Wednesday, May 18, 2016


Welcome! My name is Diana and I began my coding journey in April 2015 after listening to a story on NPR about the need for coders in the tech industry. I thought to myself, if others can learn to do it, so can I! The next day I signed up at and haven't looked back.

Thirteen months later I am making websites and working on building a portfolio. I have self-taught through books, online courses, videos, and evening courses through Women Who Code Tulsa. At this moment in time I only feel proficient in HTML5 and CSS3, but I'm becoming more comfortable with jQuery and JavaScript. One thing I love about this field is I will never stop learning because there is always more to know and things change constantly.

With this blog, I plan to share what and how I have learned over the past year as well as chronicling my future journey. Thanks for stopping by!

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