Saturday, May 21, 2016


One of the best pieces of advice I have received is to outsource.

I have a long daily to-do list and never enough time to complete it. I never understood how working women do it all. Then I went to the first Tulsa meeting of OKWIT (Oklahoma Women in Technology) and one of the women attending told us to outsource. We should be outsourcing anything we can afford, such as housekeeping, lawn work, or errands. Outsource everything you can. Have people come to you, such as a physical therapist or massage therapist, grocery delivery, or dry cleaning.

Once you can pay for it, outsourcing saves you money. Instead of spending time performing some chore that you can pay $20/hour for you can work and make $40/hour. Not only will it help you make more money, it is also efficient and saves you time that you can spend on work, family, or leisure.

Places I have found people to outsource to have been neighbors, friends, and students looking for extra income; websites for local businesses such as lawn care, laundromats, and housekeeping; and other businesses like Amazon Prime Now, Peapod, or personal shoppers.  

It is such a relief to realize it is okay to have help and make life easier.

Wednesday, May 18, 2016


Welcome! My name is Diana and I began my coding journey in April 2015 after listening to a story on NPR about the need for coders in the tech industry. I thought to myself, if others can learn to do it, so can I! The next day I signed up at and haven't looked back.

Thirteen months later I am making websites and working on building a portfolio. I have self-taught through books, online courses, videos, and evening courses through Women Who Code Tulsa. At this moment in time I only feel proficient in HTML5 and CSS3, but I'm becoming more comfortable with jQuery and JavaScript. One thing I love about this field is I will never stop learning because there is always more to know and things change constantly.

With this blog, I plan to share what and how I have learned over the past year as well as chronicling my future journey. Thanks for stopping by!